What's a bubble tea?

A tea-based beverage known as Bubble tea in Taylorsville, or boba tea first appeared in Taiwan in the 1980s. It is typically served in a sealed plastic cup with an oversized straw, along with chewy tapioca balls and sweetened milk. I always thought it was weird that I had to chew and drink at the same time when I was a child sipping boba tea.

The true inventor of boba tea is a topic of discussion. According to one account, the proprietor of the Chun Shui Tang tea room, a tea shop in Taichung, central Taiwan, claimed to have gotten the inspiration to serve cold tea when he saw people there enjoying cold coffee.  The first Boba tea in Taylorsville was created after his product development manager mixed some prepared tapioca balls into his coworker's beverage one day during a staff meeting. The proprietor of the tea establishment claimed that he was inspired after seeing white tapiocas on sale in a nearby market. He decided to combine it with tea to make "pearl tea."

Which type of tea is used to make bubble tea? 

Black tea is customarily the best option. For myself, I still like black tea better. You can find any kind of tea imaginable at any respectable bubble tea establishment. While Assam is frequently cited as the benchmark, certain teas are better enjoyed cold and with a little milk added. For instance, Assam, Darjeeling, oolong, green tea, and jasmine tea are all suitable choices if you're looking for something light. You can go for English breakfast, matcha, or pu'er tea if you want something with a little more heft and flavor. 


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